Friday, January 17, 2025

The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (NES) Review


The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989 by Kemco. The game is a side scroller type game where you need to collect all the carrots on the screen to beat each level and advance to the next. You play as Bugs Bunny and you have to make it through your castle to rescue your girlfriend.

The game is simple, collect 8 carrots per stage to advance to the next level. There are items scattered around the levels you can use to dispatch enemies that get in your way.  You find carrot juice that will make you invisible for five seconds. There are boxing gloves that you can fire at enemies and if you miss you can pick up the glove and use it again. There are crates and anvils that you can push at enemies to kill them.

You'll run into other Looney Tunes characters in the game, including Wile E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam, Sylvester, and my personal favorite Daffy Duck. Each enemy has different patterns that you'll need to learn as you play. Like the baddies in Pakman, some will chase you, and some have a course that they'll stick to.

The game contains 60 levels that you'll need to complete to win and save Bugs' girlfriend. I found the game to be pretty easy. Each level you beat earns you an extra life. You also can continue if you lose all your lives. And the nice thing is you don't have to play all 60 levels in one go, there is a password system. And it's a good system as each password is only four characters so it's easy to enter.

Inside Bugs' Crazy Castle, you'll find different levels. There are stone rooms made of stone, wooden-looking rooms, and what I like to call future levels filled with pipes. The future levels do not look like they belong inside a castle but it's only a video game.

The only real issue I have with the game is the lack of jumping. In a side scroller it's weird to play without being able to jump over enemies but that's how the game works. Many times i'd be trapped in a corner and was killed because I wasn't able to jump over the enemy that has me cornered.

The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle isn't a bad game. Once you get over not being able to jump and learn the bad guys moves you'll find it fairly easy. I finished the game in two hours so it isn't too long of a game which is perfect as a rental game. I remember renting this game one Friday night after school and can remember staying up playing it with my family so I seem to like this game more than most people that play it. I give The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle a 6 out of 10.

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