Mastermind Baxter Fly is an action figure from the Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line released in 2015. This is an update of the original figure which contains a different paint job and the updated Tales Of The TMNT packaging.
I wanted to get this figure because I always like the Baxter Stockman character in all his versions and also because I never had this figure from the vintage line when I was a kid. Whenever I'm in a store that sells toys I always take a glace to see if they have anything I really want. Luckily for me, I found him on the shelves and picked him up.
Baxter looks great with his cool fly face. I've been really tempted to give his eyes a wash as it would look great but I'm restraining myself.
As I said above this is basically a repaint of the original figure. The original figure has blue paint and a purple shirt. Baxter's face was greyish with green eyes. His new paint job has is pants grey and shirt blue with a greyer head. His eyes have a clear plastic membrane that is tinted blue that runs around his eyes that extends into three antennas. I have to say that I think his original head paint job looked much better than this repaint.
Also like his original release, this Baxter comes with one accessory, a candy bar. I have no issue with the candy but it would have been cooler if he came with something else as one accessory is pretty weak.
Baxter is equipped with 8 points of articulation including ball joints for his arms, legs, and wings as well as him able to twist at the waist and the head. Compared to the turtle action figures this is a bit disappointing but it gets worse.
I'm OK with everything I've mentioned and would be happy with this figure if it wasn't for Baxter's huge flaw. Have you ever purchased an old action figure that has all its limbs super loose which makes it nearly impossible to pose him??? Well, that's the problem I had with Baxter. I found him brand new on the shelf out of a newly opened box because he wasn't there a week before. When I took him out of his packaging immediately his limbs were limp with the exception of his left arm which is better than the rest but still pretty bad. This was very disappointing for me as I've never bought a new action figure with this issue.
It's so bad that he won't stand on his own for less than a few seconds making him damn near useless.
I have to say that I'm very disappointed with Baxter. In my opinion, his repaint is worse than his original coloring, he has only one accessory and limited points of articulation, and by far his worst feature is his completely loose limbs. Like I already said I could look past everything else but the loose limbs are a deal breaker. I've been thinking of super-gluing his limbs together to allow him to stand on his own but at that point, he'd be a statue which is not what I bought. I have to get Mastermind Baxter Fly a 2 out of 10.
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